Some people might think fish flakes & dried bloodworms are only for fish. Right? Wrong! You have to give your beetle 1 or both of these. Why? This is why. Your beetle may eat itself. That is correct. I know this because my beetle once ate herself. It all happened when I came home from school & a few hours later I saw Scorpena (my beetle) chewing on her front foot and pulling tiny pieces off to eat!! I called my mom over & told her.
She didn’t know what to do, so I said “We could give her fish flakes.”
“And bloodworms” Mom added.
“No,” I said.
“Some of each,” said Mom.
“OK,” I said. We gave Scorpena some of each. Scorpena couldn’t see the fish flakes (they were the same color as the sand), & began to eat the bloodworms. We knew that was the right thing because she has never eaten herself since.
I hope this teaches you about nutritional value for your pet beetle.
Beetle Girl
P.S. Still give your beetle fresh fruit & veggies.
