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Training Your Beetle

Here is a list of things to do when training your beetle. You must start small. If your teaching your beetle to say shake, you start by...

Beetle Poem

By: Beetle Scientist Freedle beetles give you freedom Freedle beetles can be very strange and weird Their head is shaped like a fire (a...

Food Variety

What do you feed your beetle? Do you feed it apple and freeze-dried blood worms? Give your beetle different foods. Try a peach one...

Other Pets

Most pets are OK with beetles. A fish is OK, a small dog is OK, a large dog is OK, a cat is OK, and as long as you keep their habitats...

Beetle Escape

When your beetle escapes your probably going to look for it. They won't be found until they want to be found. Just leave out some...

Silly Beetle Poem

By: Beetle Scientist There are some beetles like the Tweedle beetles Tweedle beetles love to battle With paddles And some get smashed on...

About Beetle Girl

In all the time I've done this blog I never introduced myself! How rude of me! These are some of my hobbies. I love to sew, paint,...

Beetle Birthday Present

Do you celebrate your beetle's (or beetles') birthday(s)? My sis and I do. We celebrate it on the day we got the beetles. We give them...

Getting to Know Your Beetle

At first you or your beetle may need to get to know each other. See what food your beetle likes. See what shade of blue your beetle is....

Parts of an Ironclad beetle

Ironclad beetles have many parts. Each has a different purpose. For example, tarsal claws are for griping. The diagram has every part...

Silly Beetle Poem

By: Beetle Scientist, age 6 Beetles are all around the world Beetles like the Sheedle beetle Are one of the weirdest beetles because...

Meet Our New Beetles

We got our new beetles! I got 2 new ones, Beetle Scientist got 1 new one because she has her old one. Mine are named Sage and Sandstone....

Beetle Names

When you get new beetles you will probably want to think of a name for them. Beetles are from nature so maybe a flower name like Lilly...

Thank You Shout Outs

These are some people who helped me make my blog. Bell’s Bugs (she sold us the beetles), Beetle Mom for her support, Wix for hosting...

New Beetles

After your beetle(s) die(s) you’re most likely going to want get another. I recommend trying something new. Perhaps getting two instead...

Beetle Disapointment

I know it is hard when your pet dies. Mine did on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. It was hard to see her dead. My family lit a special candle...

Beetle Playtime

Yup. Beetles need playtime. Your might be thinking ‘what?!!’ but you read correctly. I do these to give Scorpena (Scor- pea-na) exercise....

How to Collect Safe Bark for Your Beetle

Be extremely careful not to give your beetle any bark that may have been sprayed with pesticides or poisons. It may kill them. Never...

Ironclad Beetle Tricks

Things I've taught my ironclad beetle to do. I have taught Scorpena 2 tricks. #1 Shake hands #2 Stop I say “spider” & she stops. I say...

Nutritional Value

Some people might think fish flakes & dried bloodworms are only for fish. Right? Wrong! You have to give your beetle 1 or both of these....

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