Blue-Death-Feigning- Beetles (AKA Ironclad Beetles) are great pets. I have a Blue-Death-Feigning as a pet. My sister has one too. We LOVE them a lot. Why? Because they aren’t scary at all! They are easy to take care of, they’re fun when you get used to them, & they are smart (I’m serious)! The way you take care of them is give them fresh food every week (such as lettuce NOT ICEBERG, carrot, dried blood worms or fish flakes etc.),give them lots of love, give them a good habitat, & that’s it! If they get lost don’t don’t don’t panic. Just set out some food, they will be want to be found when they want to be found.
WARNING: May poop or play dead when picked up.
Please listen to this advice. I hope this inspires you to love beetles.
Beetle Girl